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Latino Task Force Update 6/5/2020

Writer's picture: Estefania  LopezEstefania Lopez

Open Statement to the Family of George Floyd, Black Lives Matter, and the African American Community:

The San Francisco Latino Task Force stands in solidarity with the African American Community and Black Lives Matter in this time of sadness and anger at the blatant killing of George Floyd by a police officer.

As People of Color, we have in common the historical disparaging, disrespectful, and racist treatment by police departments throughout the country.

Our hearts go out to Mr. Floyd's family and the African American community of Minneapolis and throughout the United States.

We support your demands in charging the officers with murder and hope you receive justice that is long overdue.


Sponsor a Familia for $25 - A Call to Action from Roberto Hernandez!

The lines at the Mission Food Hub last Friday, May 29 were 13 blocks long, and we provided 1,800 families with two (2) grocery boxes! We have now expanded food distribution to three (3) days: MONDAY, WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY at 10:00 AM. We have identified 350 people in line that cannot carry the two (2) boxes that weigh 42 lbs (combined).

The Latino Task Force, CANA - Carnaval San Francisco and Clinica Martin Baro are making a CALL 2 ACTION to ensure families are able to take all the food home. We need your support! Sponsor a family for $25 which will pay for a GROCERY CART, un carrito! DONATE:


Information on SCOTUS Decision on DACA and other

1.  SCOTUS did NOT take any action regarding DACA on Monday morning.

(You can tell because they only fill in numbers in the far-left "R" column on the SCOTUS website when they are done posting opinions for the day.)

2. In terms of when a decision (formally called an "opinion" in SCOTUS jargon) could occur: every Monday in June starting at 7:00 AM PST is currently a possibility. They post decisions in 5-minute intervals.

However, the court could also add other opinion days, or possibly not issue opinions on some of these Mondays. We're likely to know more about the schedule later each week, after the court has its conference (meeting) on Thursdays. You can follow SCOTUS blog for the latest, and organizations working on DACA nationally will share updates as well. 

  • One thing to note is that even on a day when the court is scheduled to issue opinions, there is simply no way to know whether they will issue an opinion on a particular case on that day. So we need to be as prepared as we can before each time.

3. Also, I want to flag that as we've been discussing in our meetings, in addition to the decision on the DACA case itself, we are also monitoring to see whether SCOTUS will decide to take up - or reject - a case called US vs. CA. Action on this could also occur any Monday in June.  

  • This is the case where the Trump administration challenged 3 out of the 25 provisions of SB 54, the CA Values Act or Sanctuary State law. The admin has lost badly before Bush-appointed judges at both the district and appeals court, and we have an excellent legal case. If SCOTUS does decide to take up the case, the provisions (in some cases, a lower standard than our sanctuary ordinance) will remain in effect and a hearing wouldn't take place until the fall.  

We have done a lot of planning nationally and statewide and will have materials ready. Now that we have a bit more time, it would be great to discuss what kind of local response we may want to see as well.  

4. Lastly --- let's continue working to ensure that our messaging is both clear and inclusive of all communities, and does not leave anyone behind. Looking forward to further discussion and planning.


If you are a San Francisco-based business, have been financially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and have not received a federal Paycheck Protection Program loan, you are encouraged to fill out a Loan Inquiry Form to apply for a 0% interest loan to cover certain qualifying business expenses. We invite individuals with an ITIN or SSN to apply. MEDA and Fondo Adelante are implementing SF HELP in partnership with the City of San Francisco.

Si usted es dueño de un negocio en San Francisco, se ha visto afectado financieramente por la pandemia de COVID-19, y no ha recibido un préstamo del Programa de Protección de Cheques de Pago (PPP), le recomendamos completar un Formulario de Consulta de Préstamo para solicitar un préstamo con 0% de interés. Estos fondos pueden ser utilizados para cubrir ciertos gastos de su negocio, y estamos invitando a las personas con un ITIN o SSN a mandar una solicitud. MEDA y Fondo Adelante están implementando SF HELP en colaboración con la Ciudad de San Francisco.


Businesses & Employee Impacted During COVID19 Webinar

If you are a business considering work stoppages, layoffs, or furloughs, or if you are an employee whose job has been affected by COVID-19, please join our Rapid Response virtual info sessions twice weekly with EDD and other partners:

  • Every Tuesday from 2:00PM - 3:15PM and

  • Thursday from 11:00AM-12:15PM

The Office of Economic and Workforce Development (OEWD) is offering one (1) hour virtual info sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays to provide support. Together with Employment Development Department (EDD) and other partners, we will present information on unemployment benefits, healthcare resources, and career services to assist you during this critical time.

Please complete the form below and select your webinar date. We will close the sign-up for each webinar one (1) hour before each event. Detailed instructions to access the webinar by phone or online will be sent to you in advance the day before the webinar, as well as a reminder the day of the webinar.

If you require an accommodation due to disability, or have a request for materials to be translated, please contact Workforce Development at (415) 701-4848, or via email at Requests for language interpreters at a virtual meeting must be received at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting to help ensure availability.


Summer Program Information

Summer Learning Collaborative

Please join us in collaboration by sharing your summer learning opportunities for children, youth and their families.  We ask that you consider activities and projects that support youth disproportionately impacted by learning loss, the achievement and opportunity gaps, African American, Latinx,  Pacific Islander and low-income youth.

Please use this link to share about opportunities and activities you are providing to support summer learning, for youth and their families. Google form for Summer Learning Collaborative: With today being the last official day of school, we’d love to have information to fill out the calendar by Friday.

Thanks on behalf of 100% College Prep, Third Street Youth Clinic, BMAGIC, Human Rights Commission, Mo’ MAGIC, SF Achievers and other partners.


Gratitude for Families: School Closure Family Digest

Dear SFUSD Families:

I want to extend my deepest gratitude to all of our SFUSD families for the additional burdens you’ve shouldered these past few months. This is a very challenging time for all of us in so many ways. 

I’m sure you are wondering what the next school year holds. Now that this school year has officially ended, we are able to turn even more of our attention to planning for the fall. Through these weekly digests and in other ways, we will keep you informed of opportunities to share your input and alert you as quickly as possible as decisions are made.

Updates and Reminders

Reminder: Update Your Mailing Address by June 5

You can update your summer mailing address in ParentVUE until June 5.

Learn how to update your student’s information in ParentVUE or watch the steps in action:  Questions? Please contact

The updated mailing address will only be used for mailing purposes during this time frame when school buildings are closed. If you want to change your permanent home address, you must contact the Educational Placement Center (EPC) and provide verification.

Reminder: Does your child need to retrieve something from their school site?

School sites should be communicating plans for students to safely retrieve property, if necessary. Each school will have different dates and times. All access activities must be completed on or before June 9, 2020 during the same timeframe for staff site access days. Priority is given to students who are seniors, 8th graders, 5th graders, and any student that is leaving SFUSD. If you are unclear on your school’s process, please reach out directly to your child’s teacher or principal.

Reminder: Graduating or Moving On from SFUSD? Need to Return SFUSD Property

Graduating seniors and students who are leaving SFUSD and not enrolling in an SFUSD school in August 2020 must return SFUSD property before the end of summer, including borrowed technology, textbooks, and musical instruments. Information about drop-off opportunities will be coming soon.

Reminder: SFUSD Family Resource Link Available Throughout the Summer

Learn about Family Resource Link

Go to to complete an online request form

Email request at

Call 415-340-1716. Hours of operation for the phone are Monday through Friday from 9 am - 1 pm. Callers can leave a voicemail at all hours.

Reminder: Food Resources

Free meals continue through summer

Our grab & go meal sites will continue throughout the summer. Free meals are available to all children.

Pickup times and locations for SFUSD meals:

City information on where to get food resources. You can also call 311.

Extra food support: Apply for P-EBT by June 30

Families with children eligible for free or reduced-price school meals can receive a P-EBT card with up to $365 for each eligible child to purchase groceries. Complete the online application by June 30, 2020. If children in your family receive CalFresh, Medi-Cal, or Foster Care benefits, a card should have been mailed automatically. If a card was not received, please submit the application. Email with any questions.

Reminder: Continuity of Learning Technology Resources

Are you continuing to support your children’s learning during the summer? If so, visit to get support with the technology resources that can support your child’s learning.

Reminder: Summer Learning Opportunities

SFUSD programs

SFUSD will be hosting limited summer programs this year: ESY and High School Credit Recovery. Those students who are eligible have been notified. As City and community organization summer programs open to families, we will share opportunities through this weekly email and in other ways.

Rec & Park summer programs registration

The Recreation and Park Department registration is open now for current participants and scholarship eligible families and will be open to all families on June 6. Register at

Get summer program updates from the Department of Children, Youth and their Families

Families who are interested in enrolling their children in summer camps and programs, or who have questions about their eligibility, can sign up to receive updates. Some programs are preparing to open and will be required to certify their compliance with Health Order guidelines.  Get more information at

Wellness Tip

The School Health Programs Resource Guide provides a list of resources available from our city and community based organization partners around academics, health, employment, childcare and more.

Bright Spot

SFUSD graduating seniors Julian Jordan and Kyle Trefny of Ruth Asawa School of the Arts have produced an animated commencement address in honor of the class of 2020. The stop-motion short film, titled “Dear Class of 2020,” speaks to the challenges the Class of 2020 has faced due to the COVID-19 pandemic and issues a call to action to create a safer, kinder and more sustainable future. “Dear Class of 2020” can be viewed on YouTube, Instagram TV and Vimeo.

Warm regards,

Superintendent Dr. Vincent Matthews

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