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Assistance for Artists
Yerba Buena Center for the Arts to give stipends to artists!
* The City is working with the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts to give stipends to artists! This is no-strings-attached funding given out monthly to artists in SF.
* Apply here:
* Deadline to apply is this Thursday, April 15
* Apply here:
* Deadline to apply is this Thursday, April 15
NCG Arts Loan Fund
Arts organizations are facing unprecedented challenges as they’ve suspended public programming to help our communities adapt to life-saving shelter-in-place orders. This Emergency Loan will support arts and culture nonprofits and fiscally sponsored organizations in the eleven Bay Area counties.
SF Arts Relief Fund
The City announced $2.5 million in support to working artists and arts organizations impacted by the coronavirus. Learn about the SF Arts Relief Fund.
EDD Pandemic Unemployment Assistance
As part of the federal CARES Act, the new Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program helps unemployed Californians who are business owners, self-employed, independent contractors, have limited work history, and others not usually eligible for regular state UI benefits who are out of business or services are significantly reduced as a direct result of the pandemic.
The Safety Net Fund
The Safety Net Fund is a non-profit designed to help support artists in the Bay Area during the COVID-19 crisis. As the world around us descends into bedlam, we turn towards each other to find hope, support, and community.
Covid-19 Freelance Artist Resource
This list is specifically designed to serve freelance artists, and those interested in supporting the independent artist community. This includes, but is not limited to, actors, designers, producers, technicians, stage managers, musicians, composers, choreographers, visual artists, filmmakers, craft artists, teaching artists, dancers, writers & playwrights, photographers, etc.
Arts and Culture Leaders of Color Emergency Fund
This fund is for US-based BIPOC artists and administrators. This is a ONE-TIME micro grant of $200.
To support artists during the COVID-19 crisis, a coalition of national arts grantmakers have come together to create an emergency initiative to offer financial and informational resources to artists across the United States.
Artist Now by Zoo Labs
Writers Emergency Assistance Fund
Coronavirus-related WEAF funds are only available to those who cannot work because they are currently ill or caring for someone who is ill. Funds are not available to those who have lost work because publishers and/or clients are no longer assigning due of the pandemic. All other guidelines outlined below still apply
Authors' League Fund
Recipients of Authors League Fund assistance must be career writers with a substantial body of work
Hart Fund - The Blues Foundation
The Blues Foundation established the HART Fund (Handy Artists Relief Trust) for Blues musicians and their families in financial need due to a broad range of health concerns.
California Jazz Foundation
The California Jazz Foundation is here to help. If you are a California jazz musician in need of assistance, and meet the criteria listed below, please contact our social worker at (818) 400-3263 or email
CERF+ Emergency Assistance
CERF+ emergency assistance includes grants and/or brokered assistance, such as booth fee waivers and discounts or donations on supplies and equipment
FCA Emergency Grants COVID-19 Fund
In light of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the artist community, on March 18 Foundation for Contemporary Arts launched the FCA Emergency Grants COVID-19 Fund
Equal Sound Corona Relief Fund
If you are a musician who has lost income due to a cancelled gig as a result of the Coronavirus / Covid-19 outbreak, please fill out the form to apply to receive support from Equal Sound's Corona Relief Fund.
Freelancer Covid-19 Emergency Fund
Part of our mission of making creativity sustainable is supporting freelancers in uncertain and unprecedented times. (It’s what we do here.)
We cooperate.
We cooperate.
The Photographer Fund
A $25,000 fund to help photographers impacted by COVID-19.
COVID-19: Performing Arts Worker Relief Fund
The COVID-19: Performing Arts Worker Relief Fund is a resource for performing arts workers who are facing a loss of income due to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. Theatre Bay Area has launched this fund with the generous donations from individual donors, many of them fellow artists
Sweet Relief Covid-19 Fund
Sweet Relief is here to provide immediate assistance and we have created this DONOR-DIRECTED FUND with a limited amount of funds available to be used specifically for musicians and music industry workers affected by the Coronavirus
PEN America Writers' Emergency Fund
PEN America is an organization of writers and their allies, and that solidarity is never more important than during a global crisis such as we face in the coronavirus pandemic
Announcing: Alternative Exposure 2020 - Emergency Relief Funding for Artists
Southern Exposure is redirecting its 2020 Alternative Exposure funds to support local artists and arts groups who are in dire need of emergency support, with funds becoming available in early summer 2020
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